Our Mission
To make the Northern Beaches the birthplace of Beach Tennis in Australia and spread the sport nationally.

beach tennis
the beginning
Beach Tennis emerged in Italy in the early 70’s when tennis players on vacation in the coastal town of Ravenna decided to try out tennis with tennis rackets using the existing volleyball nets already installed.
Over the years, the sport spread to the beaches along the coast of Italy and it is estimated that today there are more than 1,600 beach tennis nets along the coast of Italy.
Beach Tennis only started spreading around the world in the early 2000’s but it has quickly gained popularity in coastal areas all around the world. It has been registered that Beach Tennis is being played in over 53 countries all around the world.
In 2008 ITF assumes responsibility for the development of the Beach Tennis Tour around the globe. The First European Beach Tennis Championships of the ITF era take place with Rome, Italy hosting.